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Showing posts from May, 2012

The Sacrifice of Separation

The Sacrifice of Separation Reflection on the Sunday after Ascension 2012 Unity within Christian understanding is a positive quality and ideal; we strive for unity and union with Christ and with one another as the body of Christ in the world. Separation is perhaps a more complicated and difficult idea. Separation might traditionally be seen as sin, for we are separated from God due to sin. Sin is death and means ultimately separation from life. Human separations are often difficult: divorce, loss of loved ones through death, people being parted by war, poverty, for economic reasons and so on. Separation therefore more often than not involves some kind of loss and accompanying pain. Personally speaking, this week I’ve been going through my own small separation from my children as I’ve got back to work and it’s not easy to separate from people we love or we care for. Think of the challenges for this parish of having two separate churches, challenges for our sense of unity and c...