Lazarus at the Gate (Luke 16:19-31, see below) · What motivates you and I to act in a Christian way towards our fellow humans? · Which persistent excuses do we use to avoid doing the things that we know we should? The story of Lazarus and the rich man at the gate is crude to a certain degree, but its crudeness is intended to cut through our sophisticated reasons for avoiding acting with mercy, generosity and compassion. So, one of the things that this story asks of us is to look quite starkly at our own reasons for avoiding doing the things that we know we should be doing. Which neighbours whose suffering we are well aware of are we avoiding? In what ways are we trying to get out of our obligations to our fellow humans? Which reasons and excuses do we most often use? But the other thing that the story does, which is more complicated, is to analyse our motivations for doing the right thin...
Exploring life and faith