We begin where we end and end where we begin. We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time. Little Gidding, The Four Quartets, T. S. Eliot We worship a King who wears a crown of thorns. The liturgical year is circular – and our spiritual experience of time must then in some way be circular too. We see this as we come to the end of our liturgical year – the feast of Christ the King- knowing that we are about to embark on the season of expectation and nativity, and yet, approach it with the crucifixion narrative. Today, in order to understand who Christ is and what God is like we have to re-encounter the crucifixion. We are invited, in particular, to see where we are in relation to Jesus. It’s easy to stand adoring around the crib of a child of hope and expectation, less easy to keep on standing when he hangs on a tree, in blood and sweat and close to...
Exploring life and faith