‘ The waters closed in over me; the deep surrounded me; weeds were wrapped around my head at the roots of the mountains’ . Jonah 2.5-6 During Lent this year at St Andrew's, Rugby, we will be looking in-depth at the story of Jonah and the whale (or rather, big fish). Our reading of the whole book (it is short) during our 10.30am Sunday communion services in Lent will be complemented by a textile exhibition. The exhibition is called Rivers of Life and is brought to us by the Deo Gloria Trust; the work is produced by textile artist Jacqui Frost. In the work Jacqui explores the way in which water is used in the Bible as a metaphor and illustration of our spiritual lives. Of course Lent itself is about entering into the desert. It is in the desert that we encounter real thirst and, it is hoped, our longing and desire for God is purified by such an experience, but of course that is not inevitable. Our Christian journey begins with abundance of water (baptism) but as Jesus experi...
Exploring life and faith