St Peter, free on pixabay I work at Chelmsford Cathedral as the newly installed Canon for Evangelism and Discipleship and what better model than St Peter when we're thinking about discipleship? The first thing we learn from St Peter is that it’s normal to get things wrong, miss the point, not understand. Peter is so eager and keen as a disciple, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t make mistakes. The most profound and painful learning experience for Peter comes after Jesus’ arrest. Despite Peter’s enthusiasm, despite his confident claim that he will follow Jesus whatever the cost, he is found wanting at the time of trial. The context for the passage from John’s Gospel that we are using (see below) is Peter’s threefold denial of Jesus after Jesus’ arrest. At three separate occasions and by different people Peter is recognised as one of Jesus’ followers and each time he denies that he is: ‘ You are you not also one of this man’s disciples, are you?’ He denied it a...
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