Catherine of Siena, Teacher of the Faith, 1380 The Miraculous Communion of Saint Catherine of Siena Giovanni di Paolo (Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia) (Italian, Siena 1398–1482 Siena) In the Public Domain This past week we remembered Catherine of Siena, Dr of the Church (RC), mystic, teacher, political activist. Born in Siena in Italy in 1347, Catherine was a twin and the 23rd child of 25 children - at least half of her siblings died, including her twin. But Catherine was known for her joyfulness as a child - and was given the pet name "Euphrosyne" - joy in Greek. From at least age 6 or 7 she desired to devote her life to God, and as she grew up resisted being given away in marriage, through passive resistance: fasting and cutting her hair. She joined the Dominican order at age 16 as a Tertiary (lay volunteer) and lived in solitude in her own house for 3 years, until she felt Christ tell her to go out and serve the po...
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