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Preparing for Christmas

In Advent we are presented with the great figure of John the Baptist. So humble and so sure of Jesus’ greatness – a short life lived solely to prepare the way for Jesus Christ. As we wait for Christmas this year, in what ways can we truly prepare ourselves? 

I’m reminded in this idea of preparation for pregnancy: the nine long months of growing a child within you – with the necessary preparations, practical, emotional, spiritual, medical etc. I remembered thinking one very key thing about being pregnant and that was it took such little effort – unlike other things that I had prepared for in my life - exams, job interviews, ordination - it was my body that grew this child and did the work. I just had to let it. And perhaps God’s relationship with us, could be a little more like this: this sense of gift or grace if we let it be. Because I know that good things require a lot of work and commitment, but I have a sense that God’s love is something we are asked to receive rather than work for. So, the obvious metaphor for Advent, pregnancy, as we think of Mary growing the Christ child within her, is perhaps a very fruitful one. For Mary had only to listen to the Angel and say ‘ I will’ for God’s astonishing will to be done. So, perhaps, this Advent we can learn (I can learn) to accept God’s wonderful grace – to stand before Him in simplicity and say ‘yes’, and receive Him and let him do the rest.


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