The current debates about welfare got me thinking this week about how much we are all worth. Some of us it seems are much more valuable than others; some of us deserve vast sums of money, status and power, whilst others deserve nothing. At the heart of the Christian faith however is the Good News that God values each and every person exactly the same: we are all equally loved and valued by God. This radical aspect of the Christian faith can challenge us in all sorts of ways: God loves the multi-millionaire; God loves the person out of work struggling to keep their home; God loves the criminal in prison who murdered someone; God loves your average man or woman; God loves you and God loves me. God values each and every person and wants them to flourish; and human flourishing involves repentance and conversion. Each and everyone of us, whoever we are, needs to repent of ways and habits of life that devalue and diminish others. If one person has too much than another person doesn't...
Exploring life and faith