'No slave can serve two masters; for a slave will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.' Luke 16: 12-13
imagine what it means to have wealth as our Master. As our Master what does
wealth require of us? It requires us to serve it, to put it first, to depend
upon it, to see its way as the primary way in the world: to see it as the
ultimate good. And wealth is not just possessions but also power. It is
alluring. Can we make decisions that are free of the fear from poverty? Can we
make decisions that are free from the fear of having less? If we are frightened
of material lack then wealth is our Master. Wealth may ask anything of us: To
oppress others, to misuse others, to harm others, to be dishonest, to steal
from others, to squander another’s property, to do anything in order to keep
securing wealth.
Imagine a world in which wealth is the Master of the majority
of people. What does it look like? How does it feel to be in such a world?
How do people treat each other?
imagine what it means to have God as our Master.
does God require of us? That we love him with our whole heart and love our
neighbour as ourselves. He too wants us to serve him, to put him first. Do we
make decisions that put God’s values first? He will never require us to harm
others, or to harm ourselves, although he might require us to sacrifice many
things for the greater good. Imagine a world in which God is the Master, what
does it look like?
had God as his Master, his true Master and what he did was out of allegiance to
him. He never hurt another in order for unjust gain. Rather, he sacrificed is
life in order that we might live. God asks much of us who love him. It is not
easy to have God as our Master, but if we do we will enter a world of infinite
goodness, where all people are valued and restored. Have the faith to follow
God and renounce wealth. Wealth is THE competitor with God. It is our greatest
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