Each of us is
waiting for the dove (Noah and the ark cf. Genesis 8:1-9) the sign of the dove bringing the good news that the
water has abated, that the flood is over and that new life can return.
We are people, most
of the time of the flood; people drowning and floundering in the world,
fighting hard to remain faithful, but often being absorbed by the wrong things.
Where in your life are you obsessing about the wrong things?
What does God want
you to focus on?
Jesus comes into
the midst of our flood, whatever it may be to reassure us with words of peace:
Peace be with you.
The presence of God
in our lives can lead us to fear, rather than to be full of joy. Why? Because
we are secular people, concerned with the things of this world.
Fear and doubt mount
an attack on our faith, our hope and our peace.
Where is comfort to
be found? In the words of our Saviour:
'The Messiah had to
suffer and to rise from the dead' (Luke 24: 46).
New life comes
through death; new life cannot come without death.
And so in our own
lives we experience the desire for new life in the midst of death –
Faith is motivated
by desire and it is faith which leads us from desire to hope and finally to
With Noah we keep
looking, keep sending the dove out again, and it is because we desire things to
be different that we have the energy and desire to send out the dove.
Keep sending out
your dove; keep looking, because it is in the search that we receive the
promises of God. It is because of our doubt and our fear that God comes
alongside us and says, ‘yes’ it is true, see my wounds, see my side’ – I am
fulfilling what I promised.
He will send to us,
power from on high.
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