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Showing posts from October, 2014


Halloween takes it's name from All Hallows' Eve, the Eve before the Festival of All Saints, when the church remembers those who are hallowed, literally 'blessed': -the saints. Christians sometimes get worried about what Halloween has become, but probably for the wrong reasons. A bit of glorification of things that frighten us is probably harmless enough. But what really matters perhaps is that as a culture we are losing the ability to cope with death. Death is thought of as something threatening and frightening, it becomes about witches, devils and satan; but death in the Christian tradition has been transformed by Jesus' Resurrection. We no longer fear death even if we still experience the pain and loss of death. The Feast of All Saints' and All Souls' is an annual reminder to Christians that we are connected with all the faithful departed who live on with God. We remember those in the past who have truly shown something of God's love by their lives. We...

Jesus' face on a bank note

Reflections on: 'Give to the Emperor what is the Emperor's and to God what is God's'* I want us to begin our reflections by thinking about putting Jesus on a banknote. How would you feel about seeing Jesus’ face on a bank note or a coin? What would you think? What does it mean? What does your reaction tell you? So, let’s think about: where do we see Jesus’ face? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This conversation between the Pharisees and Jesus opens up a huge space for us, helps us, if you prefer, see the difference between God’s kingdom and the kingdom of the world. Where does the Emperor’s glory lie? It resides in his worldly wealth, power and status. It is present in his possessions and in the people that he controls and governs. He has to make present his glory in his armies and in his ability to exact taxes from the people. Where does God’s glory lie? Well le...

Receiving and Giving in Balance

What has God given me? What do I give to God? We can’t give if we haven’t received. The first and most important practice for any of us is to let God love us and fill our lives with His goodness. Each of us needs continually to be reinvigorated and re-inspired spiritually. We need to be fed by the ever-flowing waters of God’s grace and abundance. Our lives of discipleship can get out of kilter if we are only giving or if we are only receiving. We need to seek that balance in our lives where we are both fed and in turn we turn outwards and feed others. Reflect upon your own spiritual health : do you need to spend some time with God and let Him rebuild you, refill you and nourish you? Without that source renewing us we become dead in our faith and practice. In turn if we only get fed but never give from our own abundance we are betraying the grace that we have been freely given. God wants us to live lives of abundance and grace ; God gives good things that never run out...