man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell into the hands of
robbers, who stripped him, beat him, and went away, leaving him half dead’.
of the elements of life that the majority of us who live in England are
protected from on a day to day basis is violence; yet Jesus makes it a matter
of fact element of this story which he tells. A man is stripped, beaten, robbed
and left half dead. It’s the kind of story we are used to reading in our
newspapers and seeing on our televisions, stories of violence happening to
somebody else. But, Jesus asks the lawyer to consider that violence coming
closer to him. What would happen and what would his response be if he found
someone left like that half dead on the road?
is fully aware that violence lies just neatly under the surface of civilised
communities and nations, a violence that can erupt equally in our homes, on our
streets and through war. Jesus will confront that violence in a more profound
way on the cross. But, we continue to have violence only quietly under wraps.
And only those who have a memory of what the eruption of violence can do to
nations and communities can truly appreciate the value and necessity of those
who protect and confront violence for us. As the Queen noted in her recent
speech in Europe :
‘In our lives, we have seen the worst but also the best of our
"But we know that we must work hard to maintain the
benefits of the post-war world’.
course for many nations there is no ‘post-war world’, only continuing life-
shattering violence and disruption. And as we today remember all those who have
given their lives in service or who give their lives today for our safety and
security, we must be thankful for their courage and sacrifice in facing the
darkness and violence of humanity for us all.
outside of the particular nature of war, we do well to reflect upon Jesus’
story of the Good Samaritan and we need to allow ourselves to be challenged. It
is worth considering how we might respond to someone in need, who has been so
or similarly treated.
their skin colour, their class, or status give us reason to walk on by?
violence can make cowards of us all.
there violence near to us that we are refusing to see? Is there pain and suffering
near us that we are crossing over the road to avoid? Have we divided the world
off into those we are bound to help and those we are not? For Jesus says,
violence, unkindness and complicity are normal, compassion, mercy and
selflessness are extraordinary.
Samaritan was a member of an inferior race, not holy or set apart, as
understood in that culture in that time. Yet, Jesus re-describes what holiness is;
by saying it is how we behave which determines our holiness, nothing else.
Being a priest or Levite (they were a priestly caste) is not a guarantor of
righteousness. And it is the unexpected person who shows compassion.
the power of Jesus’ story lies in how it upsets our satisfaction with our
standard morality codes; codes that we build to defend ourselves from the
requirement to be truly compassionate, merciful and courageous.
lawyer asked the question of Jesus, remember, to justify himself.
Richard Dodd has given his Mayoral year the theme of saving lives. And it seems
to me that the story of the Good Samaritan is the quintessential story of life
saving. But, the lives are saved, not simply through the act of compassion
which is shown by the Samaritan. No, Jesus tells the story to change and
challenge the heart of the lawyer. He tells the lawyer that compassion and
mercy are always requirements, whatever badge of office we hold,
whatever group we belong to, however sure we are of our own righteousness and
most importantly however we seek to avoid it. Compassion and mercy are required
of us, whether we like people or detest them, whether the people are like us or
different, whether we feel them to be blame for their situation, or not.
Compassion and mercy are to be indiscriminately applied. Who is my
neighbour? If we look into our hearts, we know the answer to that question.
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