Thursday is Ascension Day (25th May) the first day of 9 which have been marked out as a
time of prayer for the holy spirit. It is a tradition that comes from the Roman
Catholic Church and it has been taken up very enthusiastically by our
Archbishops as an international movement and encouragement to pray. Last year
was the first year that the Archbishops launched #thykingdomcome and promoted
the 9 days as a period of prayer for evangelism, encouraging people to pray for
their family and friends.
must admit that last year if was the first I had heard about this specific practice of praying for
the Holy Spirit from Ascension to Pentecost. The practice, I have later
discovered emanates from 19th century Blessed Elena Guerra founder
of the Sisters of the Holy Spirit. She dedicated herself to the education of
girls and was particularly concerned about a renewal of prayer for the Holy
Spirit. Her prayer led the Pope at the time People Leo the 13th to
write an encyclical on the Holy Spirit.
Divinum illud munus (English title: On the Holy Spirit) is an encyclical issued by Pope Leo XIII on May 15, 1897.
In it the Pope wrote
‘We ought to pray to and invoke the Holy
Spirit, for each one of us greatly needs His protection and His help. The more
a man is deficient in wisdom, weak in strength, borne down with trouble, prone
to sin, so ought he the more to fly to Him who is the never-ceasing fount of
light, strength, consolation, and holiness.”
our time the Spirit has worked enabling Anglican and Protestants to join
together in prayer from Ascension to Pentecost uniting with the Roman Catholic
Church. Revive in Rugby has enthusiastically taken up the call to prayer and on
Pentecost Sunday at 6.30pm there will be a unity service at St Peter John
Church hosted by Sheila.
this 9 days, called a novena, we all have an opportunity to renew our prayer
and specifically to pray for the Holy Spirit. We will mark the period at St
Andrew’s Church with silent prayer at 6.30pm on Thursday until 7.15pm followed
by a service of Holy Communion. Prayer resources will be available from
Thursday for anyone to pick up from church and we’ll be giving away free copies
of St John’s Gospel. They’ll also be a Peace and Reconciliation textile
exhibition in church.
weekend 10 of us went away together to pray. The early days of the church
remind us that Christian discipleship above all else is about being in
fellowship with one another – drawn together through the words and actions of
Jesus- and enabled through the continuing outpouring of his Holy Spirit. It is
very hard to develop that fellowship just through worshipping together on
Sunday mornings as it doesn’t give us enough opportunity to really get to know
one another. Deepening our relationships with friends at church isn’t
necessarily easy – like any form of friendship it involves risk. However, as
Christians we seek to frame our commitment to one another within the gracious
forgiving love of Jesus.
a town centre church in which people don’t necessarily live close to one
another – we have an extra hurdle to jump over to develop the sorts of
friendships which Christian discipleship requires of us. The fellowship Sunday
meals, the home groups, the retreats, helping in the café, joining the choir or
bell ringers, being on the pastoral team are all ways for us to deepen our
commitment to God’s commandments. As a busy church with lots going on we can
sometimes too forget that God also requires of us that we sit in stillness as
his feet.
you never pop into church in the week, maybe during the novena you’ll take the
opportunity. Perhaps you’ll bump into someone and have a longer chat than
Sunday morning allows. Perhaps you’ll have 10 minutes of silence to pray. Or
light a candle, or meet someone here who needs someone to listen to them.
Whatever way we choose to engage in prayer this week, I do hope and pray that
all of us in our own way will commit to praying for the gift of the Holy Spirit
and the transformation of our lives.
week then provides us with a real opportunity to re-commit ourselves to prayer
on Ascension Day. Without prayer, our life together here is empty and Godless.
With prayer, everything that we do together can be transformed. Enabling prayer
to infuse our daily life is a practice that takes time, but one it is necessary
to persist in.
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