You may have noticed people wearing dark glasses in the news recently. They were attempting of course to look at the sun. The great shining light bulb in the sky that we long for and hide from in equal measure. They were waiting for the solar eclipse, when the sun was only visible by its outer rays – when darkness and cold descended during the day. A natural phenomenon that reminds us that we are dependent upon the movement of our planet and the position of the sun and moon for our experience of light and dark, for our experience of time. It was for some a religious experience: an experience of transcendence that reminds us of our dependence upon the created universe. People were awed, shocked, could only exclaim: ‘Oh, my God!’. I’ve been to France for my holidays and whilst there we visited the Bayeux Tapestry. In the tapestry, you can see a drawing of Halley’s comet. It was read as a harbinger of defeat for the upstart Harry. A ...
Exploring life and faith