Detail, The Census at Bethlehem , Pieter Brueghel the Elder, Mary and Joseph The Census at Bethlehem , Pieter Brueghel the Elder, 1565 By Pieter Brueghel the Elder - The Adoration of the Magi, Brueghel's masterful paintings of religious stories, set in the hustle and bustle of 16th century Flemish life and landscape, are a fantastic reminder that God doesn't tend to show up in our lives by the announcement of golden-halo wearing angels . Religious story-telling tends to go in for gold and glitter, for God's incontrovertible presence. Perhaps, it would have been better to tell the story in the way that Brueghel has. To recognise that God appears gently and quietly into our lives, if at all. This Christmas, the reality is that the overwhelming majority of people will celebrate Christmas without even thinking about Jesus Christ. As a priest, I wonder, what's the point in the church having its l...
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