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Showing posts from June, 2018

Servant Leadership

Ford Maddox Brown Jesus washes Peter's feet In today’s culture in the West there is intense fascination with leadership studies. Businesses and organisations invest millions in identifying and training leaders. At the same time the rewards and pitfalls for leaders seem more extreme than ever before. Leaders in the public eye face hostility and adulation in equal measure; leaders are like marmite. Just think for a moment of the leaders you loathe and the ones you love! More than ever, today, we are in need of leaders who can enable positive transformation in the communities that we live. What would that sort of leadership look like? Jesus offers a particular form of leadership when he washes his disciples' feet the night before he dies (John 13:1-15). As teacher and ‘Lord’, i.e. one with authority, status and power he deliberately humbles himself to serve those whom he leads. He gets a...