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Ford Maddox Brown Jesus washes Peter's feet https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jesus_washing_Peter%27s_feet.jpg |
In today’s culture in the West there is intense fascination
with leadership studies. Businesses and organisations invest millions in
identifying and training leaders.
At the same time the rewards and pitfalls for leaders seem
more extreme than ever before. Leaders in the public eye face hostility and
adulation in equal measure; leaders are like marmite. Just think for a moment
of the leaders you loathe and the ones you love!
More than ever, today, we are in need of leaders who can
enable positive transformation in the communities that we live. What would that
sort of leadership look like?
Jesus offers a particular form of leadership when he washes his disciples' feet the night before he dies (John 13:1-15). As teacher and ‘Lord’, i.e. one with authority, status and
power he deliberately humbles himself to serve those whom he leads. He gets
alongside them to model a way of relating that is about loving service. In
washing his disciples’ feet, he is demonstrating, and modelling changed behavior. Instead of describing
or promising a new future, he demonstrates that future by his own example. He
is saying to them: you want to experience life differently, you want to have a
better world: then do as I do, serve one another:
‘If I your Lord and
Master have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet’.
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Children washing feet during the Maundy Service |
good leader models what changed behavior looks like.
places the highest value on loving service – drawing people together.
empowers his followers to be the change they want to see

Jesus’ example shows us that when we are leading - actions speak
louder than words. When we are assessing leaders or leadership, that principle
is significant. Are we modelling the sort of changed behavior that we say we
value? Is that person modelling the sort of behavior she’s encouraging?
The transformational aspect
of Jesus’ leadership comes from his ability to enable change in others. The
power of his messages comes from his ability to draw people together in
relationships of love and service. Better community relationships, healthier
organisations, a better functioning society requires change from all of us. We
cannot expect to change to come from elsewhere, it comes from each of us. That
places responsibility on our shoulders, but it’s also empowering.
Just think for a moment about your home, or work, or place
where you volunteer. What sort of change does that place need? How might you go
about modelling the change you want to see? How can you demonstrate the
principles of loving humble service that Jesus models – that will bring people
together in relationships of love and care?
In our culture good leadership is essential; Jesus offers an
example of good leadership we can all follow: he models changed behavior, he
places the highest value on loving service and he empowers us to be the change
we want to see.
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