Sometimes you come across something which cuts through life and gives you a fresh way of seeing. For me, recently, it was whilst reading Esther de Waal’s, Living with Contradiction (pg.67-68) in which she quoted John Austin Baker, who said: The way to find fulfilment of the personality is not to escape from pain by refusing to love (which is suicide) or to love and possess what we love (which is self-centredness) but to love passionately with mind, heart and soul and then to endure the pain of letting go. This pulled me up short. Such sentiments appear to be inhuman, surely union of those who are in love is what God has ordained in nature? Love seeks out the beloved, seeks out their presence, delights in it. What does it look like to let go of what we love? And why would God want that from us? One of the most obvious ways is when someone we love dies. Their absence is forced upon us of course, but somewhere in the grieving process there is inevitably a need to let th...
Exploring life and faith