Thorn in the Flesh
St Paul has written so much of the New Testament (and in letter
form) that we have an in-depth psychological profile of him- unlike anything
else we have for any other New Testament character.
In this particular section of his letter to the Corinthians (2 Corinthians 12.2-10) we encounter something of Paul’s paradoxical experience as a follower of
On the one hand, Paul has experienced the most extraordinary
revelations – he talks of being caught up in Paradise; whilst at the same time
this reason for boasting is balanced by what he calls ‘a thorn in the flesh’.
There has been endless speculation about what this thorn in the flesh might be,
from those who say it is a physical infirmity, his endless persecutions, his
poor speech or a sexual temptation. Nobody can possibly know. But what can be known is that his
experience of this persistent pain, irritation and torment is interpreted
Paul writes that he asked the Lord to take away this
suffering (3 times) but the Lord said to him: ‘My grace is sufficient for you,
for power is made perfect in weakness’.
Because of God's response Paul adopts a positive attitude towards this weakness and
sees it as a vehicle through which Christ may dwell in him more richly. 'So, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me'.
Humans are often very concerned with living without pain – we
do a lot to avoid pain and suffering. We also seek an ideal life and an
ideal personality or character. We wish we could be like this or like that. We
wish we could change this or that about ourselves. I wonder what it is that you
long to change about yourself? Is there something that persistently bothers you and worries you? If we take Paul as an example, you may wish to respond like this:
- Talk to God about what it is that bothers you
- Be attentive to God’s response
- Be prepared for a surprising answer – for it may be that what you think is a burden, in God’s hands, is a means of His grace
What is really important is that discernment takes place. St Paul is not advocating a masochistic attitude to life in general and Jesus is the God of healing. But, we have to take time to discern whether what we are experiencing is a barrier to God's grace and empowering, or a way that we might experience God's grace and empowering.
Paul’s answer
from God that ‘in his weakness is his strength’ is consistent with Jesus’
Incarnation. Jesus became weak and little, he made himself deeply vulnerable,
most so on the Cross, and it was through that weakness and vulnerability that
God’s grace abounded. So, weakness and
vulnerability are intrinsic to the way that God works. It’s
counter-intuitive for us. St Paul saw
his suffering, his 'thorn in the flesh', as a means for God to keep him humble. I
wonder what God is doing through you, through your experience of weakness?
Maybe you need to spend some time uncovering
your weakness, because often we cover it up with layers of defense. God does
not see as we see. God does not judge as we judge. God is often to be found in the vulnerable, hidden places of our
lives that we spend time running from. We need to be more attentive to these
experiences and more willing to expose them to God’s healing love.
If we are
to boast, we must boast in God’s action-
action that manifests itself not because of our strength, but because of our
weakness. When we allow God in, because we feel exposed, or troubled, then we
see miracles occur. When we seek to be strong, to take God’s place, grace is
The Church
of England has long been a church with a lot of power and status- with access
to people, influence and wealth. This has almost gone. We now experience
poverty- a poverty of irrelevance. But, this is the place where there is most
opportunity to encounter God. Now we have to rely on our faith, not on our
status; we must experience our own poverty and learn to rely on God. Do we
believe the church is worth anything? Then it is we who must support it, we
can’t leave that up to anyone else anymore, for there is no-one else left. In
today’s church those who are called are also chosen.
Paul asked
God to take away his thorn, three times, God said ‘no’ for my grace is
sufficient for you. Let’s remind ourselves of what we’ve learnt from Paul’s
- Talk to God about what it is that bothers you
- Be attentive to God’s response
- Be prepared for a surprising answer – for it may be that what we think is a burden, in God’s hands, is a means of His grace
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